Gambling Harm Awareness Week

16 October 2023

This week is Gambling Harm Awareness Week – 16-22 October, 2023.

While gambling can be entertaining, it can also lead to individual and social harms. Gambling harm is about more than just losing money. It’s any negative consequence caused by or made worse by gambling. This can include impacts on relationships, employment or study as well as negative effects that can damage the health or wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.


We encourage our venue patrons to reflect on the role gambling may play in their lives – Chances are, there’s more to life. Connect with the range of things that bring you joy, including friendships, family, special interests and hobbies. Live beyond the bet.


If you find yourself impacted by gambling harm, including by someone else’s gambling, help is available. Speak to our supportive staff or visit to find out about the range of online, phone and face to face supports available.


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